Frequently Asked Question

1 Year Free Support
Last Updated 8 years ago

Free support includes:
- Answer to your questions before buying the extension or module.
- Answer questions and help with configuration of extensions and modules after buying them.
- Bug fixes

Our reponse time is within 1 working day and max within 2 working days.

Free support doesn't include:
- Fix all possible conflicts caused by using multiple extension or non default template.
- Installing modules/extensions to your server. (you can use our Extension Installation Service)
- Installing modules/extensions on Opencart versions which are not supported by the modules/extensions.
- Making the extension/module compatible with your custom theme. (you can use our Theme Integration Service)
- Making our extension compatible with other 3rd party extensions.

Q: Can I still use my extension when support has expired?
A: Yes you can still use the extension and have access to the updates.
Only you won't receive support from us for the extension you are using.

Q: How can I see when my support expires?
A: Go to the extension and click on the support tab. Here you will see how many days you have left.

Q: Can I renew the support for the extension?
A: Yes you can! Go to the support tab of the extension and click on the renew button.

Q: What does support renewal cost?
A: 1 year extra support is only $24 (that's only $2 a month)

Q: If I have questions about my expired support how do I contact you?
A: Please open a support ticket.

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